The Just Recovery Series Looks at How We Can Thrive Post-COVID

The Los Angeles Housing Crisis in the Wake of COVID-19

While the nation begins its transition of power, new infection records are set almost daily. Hundreds of thousands of residents risk houselessness and millions more await a plan to recover from this natural disaster. The Just Recovery Series: The Los Angeles Housing Crisis in the Wake of COVID-19  is the first in a three part series examining policies that have created key threats to housing security and recommends immediate and long term community grounded policies to create a Los Angeles where vulnerable residents can thrive post COVID-19.

Who Owns LA?

Increasingly, tenants have found it impossible to pay rent during the pandemic. Going forward, even more renters will be unable to pay back-owed rent debt when temporary tenant protections expire. As eviction filings rise, permanent displacement becomes a greater threat for vulnerable communities. Corporate interests are already preparing to capitalize on the financial disaster. The immediate impacts of the crisis include job loss, landlord harassment, illegal lockouts, evictions, and houselessness. OWN-IT! is an interactive tool that identifies properties at risk of displacement. Visit to learn more about owner history of a building near you.

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The Just Recovery Series

Corporate landowners have developed a housing system that profits from disenfranchising Black and Latinx communities. Everyone deserves an opportunity to recover from the pandemic. The Just Recovery Series examines the consequences of archaic housing legislation and offers innovative solutions to restore equity to the people who need it most. Community-based organizations, working-class tenants, advocates, and state actors, have a unique chance to shift the status quo of structural inequality by enacting policies that disrupt patterns of corporate conquest in low-income communities of color. Visit us again for part two of The Just Recovery Series Resisting: Disaster Capitalism.